Astral Merge…



Sex is a powerful sexual frequency, that you exchange. I always tell people that when you have sex you merge your energy together with that persons energy, permanently. It is a chemical binding of sorts. It’s an electromagnetic energy exchange. You can actually allow entities to attach to you from having sex with the wrong person. Negative entity attachments are very common. They attack you through your own thoughts and desires. Everyone needs to start reading people’s energy better. When we have sex we intertwine our aural energy with the aural energy of the other person. Sex is always a powerful, and permanent connection. People often pick up spiritual debris, which can be detrimental without the right cleansing. If someone sleeps with lots of people, their aura will show it. The deeper your connection is the more energy you intertwine. Sex draws upon your life force energy, it also gives your partner access to your life force energy. This opens people up to psychic vampirism. Sex is a doorway, to enemies in the astral if not used properly. Only have sex if your both in a mural deep state of love.