An Energy Report- Preparing For The New Moon

This geomagnetic energy is preparing us for the next New Moon Monday.  Pluto is adding drama and intensity to things.  This is a time to eliminate any poison from your life.  Neptune could be bringing out any relationship issues.  We are being asked to move forward to new lessons.  This requires lots of letting go of your old experiences.  If you are seeing control dramas still, it is time to leave.  Poisoning on a spiritual level has been affecting your relationships for far to long.  This is a detoxification period for humanity.  Let go of anything poisoning your soul or your body.  This journey is meant to be a transformation, shifting your focus back to your inner power.  Your desires should be coming to the surface, and they are becoming more apparent. There are too many people still content on giving away their power.  Anyone doing so will ultimately have to face their fears.  This Planet is shifting into Venus Retrograde.  This six week cycle will bring up old issues pertaining to lovers and past lives.  We can not move forward til we resolve these issues within ourselves.  During this period any relationships not serving the collective will become more apparent.  To shift into who you really are, you have to let go of the things your holding on to that are not representative of that person.  Many of your timelines have suddenly become outdated.  To many people are hanging on out of fear.  Let go now, those timelines collapse into real love.