Accessing The Akashic



accessing the akashicThe Akashic is within the astral realms, above it to be exact.  It’s usually something people who had a lot of trauma or death experiences people can access, more easily.  It’s an energy that is readable and translatable.  This is an electromagnetic energetic imprint of everything that’s ever happened in the Universe, or ever will.  It’s a vibrational filing system.  The past, present, and future are constantly changing if you understand the natures of reality.  Each action has an entire cycle of cause and effect that follows it.  Your smallest choices create a ripple effect through humanity.  Your Akashic access is stored in your DNA along with everything else.  Your DNA contains a blueprint to all that is.  It has infinite recoding potential.  Hence the hijacking of humanity.  Everyone was reduced to a two strand helix of DNA, thus enslaving and polarizing humanity.  This creates the nature of duality.  The struggle of light and dark was coded into our DNA, encoding the template for humanity.  When we activate our DNA we reconnect to the star systems.  We replace any damaged strands, which then heals and negative mental programming.  Your cellular body is then upgraded to once again holding the cosmic patterns and sacred geometry grids that you need.  You will get your memories back this way and will only be able to access the Akashic through this DNA activation process.  Check out our DNA activation.